Newborn starter packs for vulnerable mums and babies

Working with health and social care professionals and other agencies, our goal is to give a helping hand to new mums who are in desperate need of even the most basic supplies.

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Every mum receives one just like this


73 moses baskets

in April 2024


since we started in 2015,
and not had to turn away a single referral*.

*A few referrals request a starter pack in bags or a baby-bath, rather than a moses basket


Donate items

Help us fill our starter packs by donating items for mums and babies.


Give financially

Give online today and support Early Essentials with a regular or one-off gift.


Make a referral

Social or health care professionals can refer pregnant women in need to us.


Newborn starter packs for vulnerable mums and babies

‘This is absolutely amazing for someone to give me all this when I have nothing.’

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